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paid ads vs digital marketing blog post

Surprisingly the heading is misleading the drift we are spreading is discuss wherever anyone keeping daily constant posting on Instagram, whatsApp status, whatsApp group forwards or promotional whatsApp message, promotion in Facebook group, Facebook posts can make reach to random audience generally on an average 300-500 people on the other hand by advertisement on google and Facebook the same person can reach upto 7000-8000 audience more accurately ( with moderate budget like 1000 per day ) by setting up demographics like particular interest groups, particular age group, particular gender.

Lets Understand this with example:-

A toy store promoting a toy and the toy price is 200/- and he is posting for a on various facebook groups, facebook post, whatsapp status, whatsap forwards, Instagram reels, so on so fourth, now he may reach to 500 people on internet, presently today he has made sell of 2 toys Vs If he get started to run campaign with paid campaign for daily budget with only 1000 spend can reach upto 4000-5000 people for specific location targeting like to setup only targeting for single pincode, to target specific audience who are parents, further he is also capable to target men only further he has many filters to reach his ideal audience on paid campaigns and he was able to sell 17 toys.

In Above Scenario major diffrences were:-

1. Paid Seller most probably will target daily fresh set of audience Vs Organic only promoting audience which already know each other or ability to reach new audience daily low.
2. The chances for repeat order with 17 toys sold is very higher as compare to just 2 toys sold audience. 17 bando mei se kabi to kabi future mei 2 jan to repeat order or oar koi toy karidenge vs 2 jano ne karida aane waly time mei fhirse lenge iska kam chance hai. and also note the paid seller has interacted with atleast 50-60 people before he sold his toy to 17 people versus the organic marketing has might be interacted with 5-6 people before he sold his 2 toys. this also impacts his business in upcoming days, because paid seller has leveraged his business interaction 1000% higher side.
3. Paid ads have Very Specific set of targeting which we have control like age group, parents only targeting, gender specific, location based ( its cringe we can use only single pincode as well ) Vs organic reach can go without any of our control
4. Paid Campaign can scale 10x – 20x Vs Organic marketing is have limited scale growth like one can add his faimly member to post more.
5. Paid one guy is leveraging the new generation advertisement Vs organic guy is like doing door to door sell.
6. Paid Advertiser doesn’t care about criticism if in case 1 or 2 out of 17 customer didn’t liked his product Vs Organic guy will hit very hard in hi mind if in case his 1 out of 2 customer has didnt liked product

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