What are discovery ads in google ads

In Simple language as per term used discovery, those sponsored ads which we come across while we are using google hosted channels such as while surfing youtube ( Home ), while surfing gmail promotion tab and google’s news feed, please note display network is not part of discovery network. Some expert believe this product has … Read more

What are Google Search Ads

google search ads management

The Google Search Network is a group of search-related websites and apps where your ads can appear. When you advertise on the Google Search Network, your ad can show near search results when someone searches with terms related to one of your keywords. Where Search ads can appear Your ads can appear with Google search results and on … Read more

Scale Wholesale Business With Discovery Ads

Discovery ads my pune

According to Google, Discovery ads: “…help you reach up to 2.9 billion people as they browse feeds on YouTube, check the Gmail Promotions and Social tabs, and scroll through Discover to catch up on their favorite topics.” Google Ads What Are Discovery Ads? Unlike Search ads, Discovery ads are visual, responsive, and dynamic. Format and … Read more

How to Be Smart with Facebook Ad Targeting

If you want to get in front of your target market with compelling digital ads, you have to do it where they live online. More and more, that place is Facebook. Sure, there are a lot of niche places on the Web where you’ll find pockets of people interested in any number of things. But pretty well … Read more

The New GA4 to track website activity

The New – Google Analytics 4 Want to use Google Analytics 4 for paid search. This article walks through you get right out of the box. Like many of you, the first time I looked at Google Analytics 4, I immediately closed it and said, “nope!” A year passed. Then we learned that Universal Analytics was … Read more

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